Hugelkultur Raised Bed

This project was actually my first attempt in using the hugelkultur technqiue. After much research, I purchased a Birdies metal framed raised bed. I dug down, removing a significant amount of top soil, to allow enough space for logs and other layers of organic matter.

empty raised bed with dirt below dug out

I started with a layer of large logs with the spaces in between them filled with branches.

filled with large logs

The spaces were then more fully filled in with arborist wood chips.

spaces filled in with wood chips

Next was a layer of medium sized logs and branches of all sizes.

layer of medium logs

A thick layer of horse manure (I got it for free through the Pierce Conservation District Manure Share) was then added.

layer of horse manure

Then a layer of arborist wood chips.

layer of wood chips

Followed by another thick layer of horse manure.

layer of horse manure

Finally a thin layer of Tagro Potting Soil.

layer of tagro potting soil

I grew spinach and arugula with moderate success in the bed this past fall/winter/spring (the arugula did pretty well, but the spinach got eaten up by something). Currently there is a cover crop of crimson clover growing, mainly just to try it out since I am very curious about cover crops. But the clover should also give a timely nitrogen boost to the bed before planting it out next spring with asparagus.

finished raised bed

finished raised bed