Hugelkultur Pots

I wanted some kind of border for my big hugelkultur mound garden on the two sides not adjacent to the fence, and the idea that I settled on was to create a border out of pots. And so of course I decided to make them into hugelkultur pots. I purchased twenty 20-gallon black plastic pots (the most expensive single purchase invovled in setting up the whole garden). At the bottom I placed medium sized logs cut down to fit the pots.

pot with medium sized logs

Next I added branches of all sizes.

pot with smaller branches added

The spaces were then filled in with arborist wood chips.

pot with wood chips added

I filled the pots nearly the rest of the way with TAGRO Mix.

pot with TAGRO mix

A layer of mostly finished compost was then added.

pot with mostly finished compost

Followed by a thin layer of potting soil on the very top.

pot with final layer of potting soil

I decided to keep it simple and just do a crop of bush beans (orca beans for drying) in all the pots this first summer. I’m planning to then plant a cover crop of crimson clover late summer after I harvest the beans.

pots with bush beans growing